Our Distinctives

    • We are a team-based gift led leadership team and do not function with a lead pastor.

    • Our team is made up of biblically qualified men and women using their gifts to love and care for people.

    • We are a volunteer lead church that does not have paid staff.

    See Scripture references: Acts 2:17, Ephesians 4:12-16, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-7, 1 Peter 2:4-12

  • Our goal is to create the minimal structures required to emphasize deep relationships:

    • We encourage everyone to have a small group of relationships where over time everyone knows each other and is known.

    • We encourage participation in a larger group to follow the New Testament’s motif to love and serve one another.

    One of our primary goals to ensure we prioritize relationship rightly is to never grow above 150 people without starting a new community.

    We believe that although larger communities are important our conviction is to keep our size to a number that allows everyone to know each other.

    See Scripture references: Matthew 10:1-15; 13:1-9, 17:1-8, Luke 10:1-12, Galatians 6:1-6.

    • We have intentionally structured our gathering times on Sunday nights to allow and encourage everyone to practice a 24 hour sabbath. We seek to create a slower, more reflecting space as people practice sabbath and come to the Table.

    • We eat a meal together because we want to create a community and a space that moves slowly, enjoys each other, and have time and space for meaningful connection.

  • Following Jesus’ example we are a community that emphasizes creating space for the Holy Spirit, contemplation, and slowing down to be present to God, ourselves, and others.

    • Teaching: We believe in the preaching of God’s Word, but recognize the importance of embodying the teaching and not only listening. We intentionally limit our teaching to approximately 20 minutes.

    • Liturgy: Our community is rooted in two thousand years of church history. Therefore we believe in praying the prayers of others to connect our community to the global and historic church.

    • Worship: Our singing worship seeks to be simple and spacious to allow everyone to focus our attention on Jesus: the one worthy of our praise.

    • Response: We believe the Holy Spirit speaks corporately and individually all the time. We create space to respond to whatever God is doing during our gatherings.

  • We gather during the week around a meal to practice the way of Jesus together.

    • We encourage and prioritize gathering weekly in smaller groups to walk through life together.

  • Everyone has formed their life around someone or something. By believing and practicing those ideas to find the good life.

    We believe our goal is to apprentice ourselves under Jesus and allow Him to form us. By embodying ancient practices and being with Jesus, becoming like Him, and doing what He did in the world.

We have intentionally architected our church around Jesus and the new humanity that He is creating. Our structure represents a paradigm shift and emphasizes an intentionally smaller, slower, simpler, relational community.

Reimagining The Future Church